Tired of swollen, round knees? Knees are one of the parts of the body where fat is the most difficult to dislodge. Liposuction remains an effective treatment of cosmetic surgery to find elegant knees.
Knee liposuction technique
This is one of the great visible stigmas of a person who has experienced significant weight loss: when his knees are swollen, and protrude out of the silhouette of the legs. Despite a healthy lifestyle, the fat is very difficult to get rid of, and this fatty heap generally increases the appearance of the legs.
The use of liposuction on the knees is then the only solution to regain the curve in the legs and a slender figure. It treats the inner or outer side of the knee as well as the patella area.
Gentle liposuction is good for the knees because there is usually little fat to remove.
How does the knee liposuction procedure work?
Before performing the procedure, it is essential to carry out a preoperative assessment and a consultation with a practitioner. The surgeon performs an analysis of the patient's knees, and the quality of his skin.
During the procedure:
- The surgeon marks your knees and the areas where the fat should be sucked, using a surgical marker
- Liposuction can treat the inner side of the knee, or all the fat areas around the patella.
- To better extract fat deposits, we inject a solution to liquefy fat.
- The surgeon will make a very fine incision with very fine cannulas with rounded tips.
- The aspiratory system that is going to be connected to the cannulas makes it possible to suck the fat contained in the knees by back and forth movements.
- The incisions are then closed with a resorbable wire and covered with a bandage. The patient should then wear a compression bandage to limit edema and bruising following liposuction.
Liposuction of the knees: Anesthesia, duration, hospitalization
Since the fat is present in small quantities in the knees, the procedure will be performed quickly. This procedure will last between 30 minutes and 45 minutes. Knee liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia.
Before / After: the results of knee liposuction
The results of a liposuction of the knees are visible immediately after the procedure. It takes about 3 months to see the final result, once the edema has disappeared and the skin has retracted. The inner side of the knees is reduced and there is a real difference in volume between the thigh and the calves.
Visually, the patella is now clear and the contour of the knee is regular. If you treated the thigh at the same time, the whole leg finds a nice curve. The result is definitive after three to six months when the skin is retracted to the volume of the knees.
Associated services
Price of liposuction of the knees
There is no single pricing for liposuction of the knees. The price will depend on the amount of fat to be extracted and the quality of the skin.
Local / general anesthesia
Ambulatory stay
The cost of liposuction will also include:
Label colonne description
Other fees
Label colonne tarifs
Consultation with the surgeon |
Consultation with the anesthesiologist |
Compression bandage |
* Price as an indication, the fees may vary from one practitioner to another.
Book an Appointment for a Liposuction of the Knees
A consultation is required for new clients.