Facial aging is often linked to wrinkles and skin stigmas. In reality, it is much more complex because other mechanisms such as loss of volume or skin sagging are involved.
The face changes, which also characterizes tissues aging.
The eyebrow position will contribute to the aging of the eyes, by drooping and giving a tired look.
In some cases, it is possible to perform a facelift without surgery thanks to aesthetic medicine and a Botox eyebrow injection. This procedure allows you to regain a dynamic and youthful look, by lifting the eyebrow into its natural position.
How will the eyebrow injection act on the face?
A young cutaneous skin is characterized by two major properties, enabled by the dermal fibers synthesized by the fibroblasts :
- The skin owes its firmness to collagen fibers;
- The skin owes its elasticity to elastin fibers.
Identical characteristics affect each connective tissue, in particular the superficial musculo aponeurotic system or SMAS, which surrounds the muscles of the skin (muscle fascia).
An aging connective tissue or skin dermis no longer has the mechanical qualities of young skin:
- The loss of skin firmness leads to skin sagging under the effect of gravity. This sagging of the skin alters the place of structures or volumes.
- The loss of elasticity of the fascia or skin contributes to excessive muscle contraction, because neither the fascia nor the skin can automatically regain its elastic tension.
These two pathogenic mechanisms are found in the aging of the eyebrow, either in combination or in isolation, leading to eyebrow ptosis:
- The loosening of the skin on the forehead located above the eyebrow will pull it downwards (passive drooping of the eyebrow).
- The excessive contraction of the orbicular muscle underneath will also pull the eyebrow down, but in an active way.
If the practitioner notices a significant sagging of the skin, other procedures should be considered, such as lifting or, more rarely, an injection of hyaluronic acid on the forehead, in order to tighten the tissues moderately and naturally, creating a lifting effect.
On the other hand, an injection of botulinum toxin on the eyebrow can perfectly treat an active fall, linked to the repeated contraction of the orbicular muscles.
Indications: when should you do an eyebrow lift without surgery?
An eyebrow lift injection, without surgery, is recommended when the drooping eyebrow is the result of a hyper-contraction of one of the muscles around the orbit. It makes it possible to change :
- The fall of the eyebrow head, by excessive contraction of the depressor supercili muscle and the corrugator muscle. The latter is also responsible for the appearance of the lion's wrinkle.
- The fall of the tail of the eyebrow, by excessive contraction of the orbicularis oculi (orbicular muscle). This fine muscle is also responsible for the appearance of crow's feet wrinkles (canthales wrinkles).
These very precise indications require a careful diagnosis by your cosmetic doctor. To do so, he studies your eyes from a dynamic and static point of view, to establish whether or not there is a muscular hypercontraction.
In this global analysis, he checks for the existence of possible additional anomalies that age the eyebrows, such as a loss of the convex curve or an eyebrow hair loss.
Follow a brow lift botox injection session in Dubai
The injection takes place in a medical block at Clinique des Champs-Elysées in Dubai. The success of an eyebrow lift without surgery, by Botox injection, requires the specialist to have a meticulous anatomical knowledge of this delicate area, and a rigorous technical and aesthetic procedure.
- In order to lift the eyebrow head, the doctor locates the superciliary depressor (just below the eyebrow head) and the corrugator (1 cm above the orbital rim, at the level of the eyebrow head). This injection will also correct frown lines (between the eyebrows).
- In order to raise the tail of the eyebrow, your specialist targets the entire orbicular muscle, which also corrects the canthal wrinkle or crow's feet wrinkles. He will locate the point of entry, about 10 mm outside the outer orbital rim, at the level of the eyebrow tail. It injects with a fine needle a small dose intramuscularly.
For a global eyebrow treatment, the eye doctor may sometimes consider an eyebrow transplant or hyaluronic acid injection to restore a convex shape.
Brow lift botox injection result
The result is gradual and definitive after an average of one week: Botox injection opens the eyes by lifting the eyebrow and rejuvenates the upper part of the face, while correcting crow's feet wrinkles or frown lines, depending on the area treated. The rejuvenated face is more rested, less harsh, more open, for an effect that lasts approximately 6 months.