A hyaluronic acid injection into the chin in aesthetic medicine aims to erase signs of aging on the tip of the face or to adjust some specific aesthetic flaws, thanks to this non-surgical and non-invasive genioplasty.
Causes: where do chin imperfections come from?
The chin attracts the eye by closing the tip of a face and contributing to the expressions that arise from it. This is the case both from the side and from the front.
Anatomically, the chin consists of hard tissue (a combination of the two mandibular symphyses) and soft tissue (the skin, subcutaneous fat and chin cap muscle).
Esthetically, the harmony of the chin can be evaluated both statically and dynamically by estimating its volume, symmetry, height, width or length, at rest and in motion.
Chin disharmony related to its length: the crooked chin is a chin projected forward (progeny) giving a hard appearance to the face, while the receding chin is a chin pushed backward (retrogeny) giving a not very frank face.
These length irregularities may or may not impact the jaw (brachygnathia or prognathia), sometimes with a defect in the dental occlusion.
Chin dysharmonies linked to its width: a chin that is too square is regarded as "masculine" whereas if it is too thin, it is seen as "feminine". A chin that is too square is associated with excess soft tissue (mental) or hard tissue (bone that is too long or too wide).
Chin disharmony linked to its volume: the chin may be hollow (chin crease) or with excess fat (double chin).
How is a hyaluronic acid injection correcting the chin?
Injection of hyaluronic acid (HA) to the chin is intended to restore structural losses encountered during volume or length abnormalities.
It also works in contexts of soft tissue atrophy, but in no case if there is excess of hard bone (example of progeny because the mandibles are too long). However, some serious abnormalities (especially in excess) require chin plasty or genioplasty to rectify them.
Medical genioplasty is performed by the injection of hyaluronic acid (HA) into the chin to restore missing volumes.
The doctor always selects a cohesive cross-linked HA for this area, so that it will settle well in the tissue despite gravity. This volumizing product will have a filling effect in order to recreate the lost or missing structure.
Indications: When to inject hyaluronic acid into the chin?
The AH chin injection is used to correct losses in the volume of chin, whether congenital or acquired.
Treating of chin aging
Hyaluronic acid injection restores lost volumes, filling the submental groove that appears with age due to the melting of the underlying tissues. The filler smoothes the orange peel appearance often affiliated with this condition
This volumizing product used in a medical facelift therefore reshapes the contours of the distal part of the oval of the face, revitalizing the corners of the lips and attenuating the jowls formed on top.
Treatment of aesthetic chin dysmorphosis
This non-surgical genioplasty is an augmentation genioplasty, in volume or length. It can be regarded in its own right, or as part of a more complete medical profiloplasty including lip and medical rhinoplasty.
Length augmentation: medical mentoplasty by hyaluronic acid injection enables the correction of retrogenia (receding chin), in the form of an advancement genioplasty without surgery.
Increase in thickness: the volumizing product is designed to give a more virile and massive chin, to enhance the features of a face by offering it more willpower.
Restoring the chin balance creates a more harmonious face while changing the patient's expressions: it appears to be more straightforward, more willful, more self - assured.
The hyaluronic acid chin injection procedure
This procedure is regularly performed at the Clinique des Champs Elysées in Dubai. Your doctor will select a high molecular weight cross-linked HA with a relatively high volume. This HA is combined with lidocaine (local anesthetics) for painless, non-surgical mentoplasty.
Depending on the volume to be injected, the doctor may use either a thin intradermal needle or a foam cannula. Once the topping is done, the doctor will gently massage the area to reshape the chin.
Results of medical genioplasty
The after-effects of genioplasty without surgery are mild, with small erythema or bruising. The edemas are common and will be resolved in less than 10 days, on their own.
The result will be immediately visible. Nevertheless, the final result takes 10 to 15 days, once the edema has been resolved.
The chin now forms a harmonious tip, adjusting the physiognomy of the face, which becomes more defined.
As the hyaluronic acid is progressively and naturally resorbed, this result takes 12 to 18 months to set in, and then requires to be repeated without waiting for the product to completely disappear.