Hormones, gravity, weight gain... Sagging skin is caused by a number of factors. This means that the facial contours become blurred and less defined over time. This may be a source of anxiety, so many people are turning to cosmetic surgery or medicine. But what are the reasons for facial skin sagging, and how can you get rid of it?
Restoring the true shape of your face: what does this involve?
Young women's faces are usually shaped like an upside down triangle. The chin is the tip of the triangle, and the cheeks are high points.
The aging process of the skin begins at age 25. Collagen and elastin production decreases and the face loses its firmness and elasticity. As a result, the first wrinkles appear at the age of 30.
It's not until the age of 40, however, that you begin to see the shape of your face begin to loosen. Its contours become less distinct and the jowls begin to appear, separated by an indent from the chin. The triangle turns on its head, and the chin has become the base.
As a result, the loosening contours of the face end up being the cause of insecurity over time. To improve their physical and psychological well-being, many people turned to cosmetic surgery or medicine.
Restoring your face to its true shape: what are the causes of it?
There are many reasons why facial contours begin to lose their shape. The main cause is skin drooping due to genetic factors. In fact, age is the main element that makes the face less defined, because the production of collagen and elastin slows down.
Hormonal variation can also cause facial contours to loosen more quickly, e.g. during menopause.
However, other factors can speed up the process and make the face age faster. This can occur, for example, as a result of poor diet, an increase in stress, or an increase in excess weight. It demonstrates that a healthy diet can help keep your skin firm and elastic.
The sun, in particular UV rays, can destroy and prevent collagen from being created. In this way, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause wrinkles to appear and the facial contours to be less defined.
Tobacco is an aggravating factor regarding facial sagging. As a matter of fact, some of the chemicals in cigarettes have a negative effect on the skin, which causes it to become sore and gaunt, but they can also cause an increase in wrinkles, particularly on the forehead.
Restoring your face to its true shape: how can you do that?
When patients experience sagging facial contours, it is wise to contact a doctor who specializes in the treatment of wrinkles and facial contour loss. In most cases, cosmetic medicine can have a more than satisfactory outcome. However, cosmetic surgery may be advised if the skin has lost its shape and firmness significantly.
UL therapy and lifting are cosmetic treatments that enable you to restore your face to its original shape and restore a young, smooth look.