A beautiful knee contributes greatly to the balance of the leg, as it is the balance point in the middle of the leg. This is why a large knee weighs down the whole figure, far beyond the leg. Slimming around the knee proves to be very challenging in practice which is why there is an interest in a simple solution using aesthetic medicine. If you're wondering how to slim down your knees without liposuction, discover out which method can destroy at least 25% of the fat deposits in a single session.
The causes: why are your knees getting fat?
In both humans and primates, the knee joint is covered by tissue rich in fat cells. This is why a lipofilling (injection of fat) practitioner will always be sure to find fat behind the knee, even in a skinny individual.
This is quite logical, because the shift to the bipedal stage during evolution has put a lot of weight on the hind limbs that have become lower limbs. The knee is subject to various stress as it moves along three axes, with few muscles to hold it. In the absence of sufficient fatty tissue, the layer of the skin would be overstressed and damaged.
Adipocytes in the geniculate region are even more prevalent in women, whose gynoid model favours the distribution of fat over the lower part of the body, such as the buttocks, hips and legs.
Age, sedentary lifestyle, hormones or genetics contribute to the increase of fat in fat bulges, which gradually leads to a knee that is thickened and too fatty. fat knee breaks the harmonious balance of the legs and causes hang-ups, sometimes making it hard to get dressed or to get out with bare knees.
Solutions: how to slim down your knees without effort?
Weight loss exercises are rarely effective against fat around the knees: lung, squat, or jump squat, which yields disappointing results.
It is sometimes possible to reshape the muscles around the knee a little, but slimming down knees faces two challenges : Slimming down is not a mechanism favored by the body that prefers to burn its short-term supplies (glycogen) rather than its long-term stocks (lipids). bGlycogenolysis is always a priority over lipolysis: thus, our body will burn calories but not necessarily fat.
-Slimming down in a specific area is then very difficult to achieve, because the body does not necessarily burn calories under stress in the area, especially since other organs, such as the heart, require priority energy.
To respond to this double obstacle and lose weight around the knees, the Clinique des Champs Elysées offers a variety of strategies for slimming down the knee without surgery and effortlessly reshaping the legs.
Fat or cellulite are permanently removed to reshape the contours of a thinner, firmer knee.
Cryolipolysis or slimming down the knees in one session using cold temperatures.
Cryolipolysis is a high-performance slimming technique that has been scientifically proven and authorized by the USA (FDA) and Europe (EC).
It uses a intense cold to destroy between 1/3 and 1/4 of the fat of the knee in a single session. The latest generation of Coolsculpting ® device integrates an applicator with contoured shapes for the geniculate area, with vacuum suction if needed in order to tackle the fat. One or two 8 weeks apart sessions enable you to regain a thin, slender knee. On the other hand, sagging skin is not treated with cryolipolysis.
Thermo-lipolysis or slimming down the knees, firming them with heat.
There are two objectives, to treat excess fat and to destroy it by heat, while remodeling the dermis, in order to firm the skin and lift it. There are various solutions for the treatment of knee fat or cellulite: pulsed electromagnetic fields, bipolar radiofrequency, high energy-focused HIFU ultrasound, microwave...).
This body-contouring method without surgery allows to slim down the knee, reshape its contours, and remove any orange peel skin, in order to make the leg slimmer and more dynamic looking.