Genioplasty enhances the appearance of an unsightly chin by preserving the symmetry of the face and the facial profile.
Indications for chin surgery
Various chin surgery procedures have the ability to successfully correct aesthetic defects, such as turned-up chin or receding chin.
There are two types of imperfections that need to be corrected: a turned-up chin or a prominent chin that sticks out and a weak chin that, on the opposite, recedes.
There is an ideal vertical line in the profile from the forehead across the nose to the horizontal base of the chin. If the chin is protruding from this axis, it is prominent. If the chin is positioned behind this line, it's receding.
In the case of excess fat, a small liposuction is initially performed before the genioplasty procedure is initiated.
There is complementarity between the nose and the chin. That's why rhinoplasty is often done in combination with chin surgery to construct a matching set. The combined procedure is called profiloplasty.
Injections of lipofilling or hyaluronic acid may be used when the chin is slightly receding.
If abnormalities with the location of the chin lead to lower gum damage and teeth that may become loose or issues with the dental articulation, such as troubles closing the mouth, the patient will be referred to a smile specialist who will treat the entire lower face using maxillofacial surgery methods.
Weak chin
Prominent chin
How the procedure works
Depending on the surgical procedure used, chin operation is conducted under local or general anaesthesia, on an outpatient basis or overnight in a hospital for a duration of half an hour to an hour and a half.
The incision is concealed within the mouth on the lower gum or is made very discreetly under the jaw.
Reducing a prominent chin
There are two possible techniques:
- Planing the jaw bone : the surgeon files the lower edge of the mandibular bone to minimize the projection of the jaw.
- Chin Reduction with Osteotomy : the surgeon cuts the excess bone and then reunites the front portion of the jaw with inserts and metal screws
Weak chin advancement
There are three possible techniques:
Insert a chin implant
Either using silicone or Medpor (POREX) prosthesis. Both kinds of implants have successful results. The approach chosen depends on the aesthetic defect to be corrected, the desires of the patient and the usual practice of the surgeon. Chin implants also come in different shapes: central prosthesis, small lateral wing prosthesis, etc. The surgeon then implants the chin implant into a customized space of the lower jaw bone. The prosthesis is concealed by the thickness of the muscles of the chin and the fat.
Chin Advancement with Osteotomy
The surgeon cuts the jaw bone horizontally to produce a bone fragment that is then advanced and fixed to the desired location with metal plates and screws.
Bone Graft :
In order to reshape the chin, the surgeon removes the graft he needs from the nose hump when performing a profileoplasty or from the skull, pelvis, etc.
Post-operative effects of chin surgery
Genioplasty is a pain-free treatment. The patient can move the jaw safely. They will have to wear a modeling dressing under their chin for five to eight days. There is seven to fifteen days of bruising and ten to twenty days of swelling. It is advised to eat semi-liquid or soft and ideally cold food for the first two days. After one week, you will resume regular activities.