Palmar hyperhidrosis is defined as excessive sweating of the hands, which causes real daily problems for those who suffer from it. A handshake is literally the first contact to start a friendly or social relationship. Sweaty hands taint it right away. Aesthetic medicine has an effective remedy with what could be called a Botox anti-perspiration injection to stop hand sweating.
The causes: where does palmar hyperhidrosis come from?
It is a significant sweating of the palms of the hands caused by an increase in the secretion of sweat by the sweat glands on the palm surface of the hands.
How do the sweat glands work?
Sweat plays a role in thermal (heat elimination) and excretory (toxin elimination) regulation. Approximately 4 million sweat glands are distributed across our body, divided into two groups:
- The apocrine glands are tied to the hair. They are located in the armpits and lower abdomen, close to the sexual organs. Their rather dense sweat is fragrant (sui generis odor), with urea, ammonia and pheromones.
- The eccrine glands are the most common, the ones found on the hands. Their liquid and odorless sweat consists primarily of water, mineral salts and lactic acid.
The production of sweat is operated by the sympathetic autonomic nervous system (ANS), which releases adrenaline during stress. However, for the sweat glands and the hair arrector muscle, the terminal neurotransmitter is acetyl choline, which activates the secretion of sweat.
How does palmar hyperhidrosis occur?
Hyperhidrosis affects up to 25% of the population in a varying manner, with increased sweating in certain parts of the body.
It is termed a primitive or primary hyperhidrosis if it is unexplained (idiopathic cause), with up to 3 liters of sweat per day, in comparison to at most one liter in a healthy adult. Stress increases this sweat secretion since it is controlled by the release of adrenaline.
It is a secondary hyperhidrosis when a specific cause is established such as menopause, thyroid disease, neurological disorders, diabetes..
Excessive perspiration of the hands is a primary hyperhidrosis that is localized to the palms.
Symptoms: how does palmar hyperhidrosis manifest itself?
It is an unusual production of sweat and is usually odorless.
The main sign, therefore, is this abnormal perspiration of the hands, expressed in the form of clammy hands. It rarely causes complications in the skin, sometimes with some redness in hot weather.
It primarily causes social problems, because sweating reflects the image of a neglected, worried or sick person.
Hyperhidrosis of the hands can soon give discomfort or anxieties in socio-professional life, especially as it creates a vicious circle: we stress because we sweat, so we sweat even more.
This could lead to a form of social, and then psychological, isolation. Therefore, anyone suffering from hand perspiration should seek treatment
Solutions to permanently stop hand perspiration
The secretion of sweat is triggered by two "opposite" neuro-mediators: adrenaline is the starting point, and acetylcholine is the end point.
Botulinum toxin operates on the terminal phase as an antiperspirant Botox injection: in fact, botulinum toxin blocks acetylcholine. In the absence of a signal, the sweat glands will halt their own secretion.
The antiperspirant action is local, reversible at the injection site (botulinum toxin inhibits the neurotransmitter for 6 months): it eliminates sweaty hands. The result can be seen after 5 to 10 days of injection, and this anti-perspiration treatment of the hands must be repeated approximately twice a year.