MonaLisa Touch® is a fractional CO2 laser with a pulse mode engineered specifically to treat vaginal dryness. The laser emits radiation on the walls of the vagina and triggers a collagen synthesis that regenerates the intimate tissue.
Vaginal dryness
MonaLisa Touch® is used to treat issues of atrophy as the tissues of the vagina become dry and very sensitive at the start of menopause.
As a result of hormonal changes, the mucosa decreases and the amount of vaginal fluid decreases. This lack of lubrication causes the vagina to dry. This results in a variety of inconveniences, such as discomfort and often bleeding during intercourse, a regular need to urinate, whitish discharge with burns or even unpleasant odors.
This laser can also be used to treat women who have undergone extreme procedures that cause hormone issues leading to vaginal dryness (hepatitis C, some cancers).
Thanks to the ablative effect of the CO2 laser, MonaLisa Touch® also allows the lips of the vagina to be remodeled to make them more toned.
Vaginal dryness
A MonaLisa Touch® session
MonaLisa Touch® is a technique which does not involve anesthesia. The treatment is painless with a mild feeling of vibration.
Treatment involves three sessions of 20 minutes, one month apart.
When introduced into the vagina, and up to the cervix, the laser eliminates the dehydrated mucosa that protects the vaginal wall. These cells are replaced by younger, more hydrated, underlying mucosa. The mucosa of the vagina then develops more collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastic fibres, which contribute to the flexibility, elasticity and hydration of the mucosa.
In addition, the laser triggers the development of glycogen that feeds the lactobacilli present in the vaginal flora, which leads to the acidification of the vagina's pH. All these methods are designed to better lubrication.
MonaLisa Touch® delivers energy that is not continuously focused on the vaginal walls but with small dots of 200 microns. Therefore, only a small percentage of the vaginal tissue is targeted directly by the laser at each pulse.
At the end of the session, as the laser is approaching the vulva, the patient may sometimes experience uncomfortable tingling.
The effects of the intimate CO2 laser
There is an uncomfortable yet painless inflammatory reaction that requires the sexual activity to be stopped for three days.
The vaginal mucosa returns to its premenopausal state after treatment with estrogen and reclaims its thickness, firmness and normal pH, which helps to preserve the natural protective barrier while reducing the risk of infection.
The results are apparent after one month and will continue to better during treatment. Results last between nine and sixteen months depending on each patient. The satisfaction index after the third session is between 84% and 90%.
It is advised to have an annual session of MonaLisa Touch® laser to conserve the results.
MonaLisa Touch® laser prices
After each MonaLisa Touch session, the patient can profit from a Milta Gynecotreatment to decrease the inflammation and boost the results.
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MonaLisa Touch |
MonaLisa Touch + Milta Gyneco |
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