For both men and women, the shape of the buttocks makes a significant contribution to the harmony and seductive power of the silhouette.
While not everybody can have the buttocks of a Brad Pitt or Beyoncé, aesthetic medicine offers simple solutions to improve them: buttock augmentation by hyaluronic acid injection can sculpt a buttocks by restoring tone and volume, without anesthesia or surgery, unlike lipostructure or the insertion of prostheses.
How can you increase your buttocks without surgery?
Anatomically, the buttocks are described as the area of the gluteal muscles divided into small, medium and large gluteal muscles.
These muscle masses, which appeared in the primates, help to sit down without any pain. Darwinian evolution explains the seductive advantage of the buttocks, because they have long been a distinguishing element between the so-called inferior species and the primates, hence the appealing effect.
Thus, it is mainly the gluteal muscles that will give flat or round buttocks. Skin and subcutaneous tissue, more or less firm and more or less fatty (cellulite), also have an effect on their looks.
The problem with gluteal muscles is that it is extremely difficult to build them up through sport, which is why increasing the buttocks needs other techniques, either permanent (lipofilling, buttock implants) or temporary with a resorbable product such as hyaluronic acid (HA).
HA is a natural molecule found in the dermis where it is formed as a colloid gel. The fundamental features of this macromolecule are that it behaves like a sponge by retaining extracellular water up to 1000 times its own weight.
Depending on the size of the macromolecule, the volumizing effect of the sponge will be less or more intense.
Increasing the buttocks with hyaluronic acid involves taking a stable HA, sensitive neither to gravity nor to the mechanical stresses that will be put on the buttocks on a daily basis.
HYACorp ®, regularly used for buttock augmentation by injection, is a stable, cross-linked, very volumizing, slow resorption and easy to "sculpt" product. Since hyaluronic acid is essentially a natural molecule, the injection of hyaluronic acid into the buttocks does not give rise to any risk of rejection or allergy.
Why choose injections to enhance the volume of your buttocks?
Every woman and man who wants to address a buttock that is too flat to have a round buttock without surgery can gain from a buttock augmentation without surgery, through a hyaluronic acid injection.
This non-invasive and painless procedure demands that the skin of the buttocks is not too distended and that the buttock augmentation stays reasonable, in the order of 150/200 cc.
A hyaluronic acid injection on the buttocks procedure
Hyaluronic acid injection into the buttocks is conducted in the sterile block of the Clinique des Champs Elysées, Dubai, without anesthesia and without surgery.
The standard procedure for any injection of hyaluronic acid follows the identical procedure where your practitioner first draws on your buttocks to enhancing contours.
He uses a foam cannula, to coat the volumizing product in depth and on the exterior, which needs a large number of 10 ml syringes.
Overall, the session lasts from half an hour to an hour and a half.
At the end of the session, the doctor can massage to distribute the hyaluronic acid gel and apply an emollient cream.
He or she will recommend you not to sleep on your back for a few days, to sit a little and to prefer soft sitting.
Results of a buttock enhancement without surgery
The results are instantaneous, but it is necessary to wait 2 to 4 weeks for the resorption of the bruises and oedemas to judge the final outcome.
Hyaluronic acid injection on the buttocks offers a more sensual and rounder curve. This volumizing effect has a slight lifting effect, as the skin is delicately re-tensioned. This result lasts for approximately 18 to 24 months.