Nowadays, losing fat from your stomach is a big problem for a lot of people. Everyone, whether they're a man or a woman, dreams of a shapely body, especially in the summer, and of wearing sexy swimwear on the beach.
As a result, surgery and aesthetic medicine that enable stomach fat loss are currently on the rise. There are a lot of strategies that help you build a shapely silhouette and lose that extra belly weight.
Losing belly fat: causes of excess weight
There are several factors that allow fat to build up on your stomach. You can get a little bulge on your belly at any point in your life, whether you're a man or a woman.
For men, fatty abdominal tissue could also have a hormonal source. Indeed, between the ages of 45 and 60, men experience a decrease in their levels of testosterone known as andropause. As a result, they note the presence of bulges in the stomach that cannot be eliminated by exercise or a healthy diet.
This small bulge can also be formed by an excessive weight loss or the opposite: a diet that is too high in calories, so the body consumes more calories than it spends, and small bulges begin to develop around the belly.
What treatments can help you lose belly fat?
The abdomen is the area located between your thorax and your pelvis, and contains most of the digestive organs. It is made up of a number of zones that show whether you will be an ideal candidate for an operation. If the fat is located around the navel, it will be easier to treat that stubborn bulge. In this zone, the fat is soft and the skin is sufficiently elastic and retractable. On the other hand, if it is located around the intestines, it will be more difficult to treat. You are therefore advised to go on a diet before considering having an operation to remove belly fat.
There are several weight-loss techniques that are effective on belly fat.
If you have a prominent belly
If you are overweight with a large belly, we recommend liposuction to remove subcutaneous abdominal fat all in one go.
Individuals who are not too overweight can opt for soft liposuction, which is an operation that has less significant consequences than traditional liposuction.
For patients who do not want to undergo surgery, Coolsculpting is a good alternative.
If you have a small belly
If you have a small stomach with slightly loose skin, the doctor will suggest the Accent Prime method which combines ultrasound and radio frequency or the ONDA Coolwaves system which emits microwaves.
These different types of energy heat up the fatty tissue and remove fat via lipolysis, while stimulating the production of new collagen to tone cutaneous tissue.
You can undergo Accent Prime or ONDA Coolwaves as single treatments or in combination with a Coolsculpting session.