Fantasizing of losing stubborn fat on your body or face? Looking for an easy way to lose weight quickly without sweating? The simple solution lies in a complicated word: cryolipolysis.
This high-performance, effortless aesthetic medicine procedure helps you to lose weight for good, destroying 25 to 30 per cent of your fat deposits per region in one session.
The secret of Coolsculpting is to reshape your body through intense cold.
What is cryolipolysis?
Who's never dreamed of losing recalcitrant fat. As the word cryolipolysis means (in Greek!), intense cold (cryo), aimed at fatty tissues (lipo), eliminates them (lyses) in one go.
This highly effective slimming therapy has been proved worldwide through clinical trials, theoretical work, 10 years of R&D and approval, both in Europe (CE standard) and in the USA (FDA validated technology).
Cryolipolysis is based on two properties of fat cells and adipocytes.
- An adipocyte can never multiply.
For adults, the total amount of adipocytes is no longer increasing, it is fixed and fat deposits are exclusively linked to the fact that they increase their volume by taking up fat, often up to 50 times their volume! Therefore, any adipocyte that is destroyed is permanently destroyed and cannot be regenerated.
- An adipocyte stocks
Fat cell has a reduced metabolism, with a very small pycnotic nucleus and large fat vacuoles. That's why it's hard to burn fat, but it's also why these cells are weak. If they are harmed, they cannot be repaired: they activate their programmed death or apoptosis. Cell fragments and fat are consumed by macrophages (phagocytosis) and there is nothing left after a few weeks.
However, prolonged cold (more than 30 minutes) and intense cold (-10°C) freeze the fat that kills the cell membrane, causing irreversible death within a few weeks.
Cryolipolysis will thus eliminate the adipocytes definitively and irreversibly, but with a delay of 1 to 3 months to see the contours of the slimmed body.
Indications : Who is Cryolipolysis Coolsculpting intended for?
As an alternative to liposuction, Coolsculpting ® reshapes the silhouette by destroying the fat cells irreversibly to thin them without difficulty, thanks to the intense cold produced by an approved medical device.
This thinning of the contours can be achieved both on the body and on the face:
- Slimming the face: eliminating the double chin.
- Slimming the body: reduction of tummy rolls, thighs, arms, adipomastia of the thorax or buttocks .
Coolsculpting®, on the other hand, does not treat obesity. This successful slimming is intended for patients with stabilized weight who, despite a healthy lifestyle, are unable to lose stubborn fat in localized areas.
Cryolipolysis goes beyond the aesthetic outcome of a slimmer body, it transforms the look: you look healthier, more toned, thinner, younger, more dynamic, which allows you also regain self-confidence.
The cryolipolysis session with Coolsculpting ®
Clinique des Champs Elysées Dubai is working with a new generation device that produces intense, prolonged cold, without affecting the skin. Several control sensors ensure painless and safe treatment, since the skin is numb by the cold in just a few minutes.
Cryolipolysis takes one hour and is painless: the applicator (cryogen probe) is strapped to the area to be handled and the patient can read, watch a film and relax.
An emollient cream and a light massage finish the session.
The patient will have to continue aftercare for a few days if the skin is red, with cream and light massage twice a day.
By breaking down the fat already eliminated, resorption goes faster, hence an earlier visual results.
A single session removes about 25-33% of the fat.
1 to 3 sessions per area are suggested, with a minimum of 6 weeks to obtain the best results.