You may have come across this term in magazines and read about how to get a youthful face thanks to the Vampire Lift.
In the USA, Instagram and Kim Kardashian first popularized this groundbreaking aesthetic medicine therapy, soon followed in France by personalities such as Jessica Thivenin.
This natural treatment provides a fresh, smooth and rested appearance to the skin. Discover the secret of the vampire lift and its guidelines.
Vampire lift definition
In the USA, vampire lift is a non-surgical medical lifting technique done by a direct injection of... Blood, hence the name of the vampire lift.
In fact, it's not just any blood, because it's yours, which explains the lack of side effects, toxicity or the possibility of rejection.
This blood is separated from its nucleated cells (red blood cells and leukocytes) to retain only thrombocytes or platelets.
This PRP or plasma rich in platelets belongs to the medical group of blood products, which means that in France PRP injection is only possible as a therapeutic procedure, for example. This plasma is produced by centrifuging the blood to remove white blood cells and red blood cells (responsible for the red color).
Only thrombocytes and serum are retained.
The aim of thrombocytes in the blood is to quickly enable the healing of a bleeding vessel, which explains their high growth factor content. These proteins are chemical signals that can activate any stem cell, depending on the tissue in which it is located. In the case of dermal tissue, they are converted into young fibroblasts, the skin's manufacturing plants.
This induced biosynthesis will restore hyaluronic acid (moisturizing and plumping the dermis), elastin fiber (supple and elastic tissue restoration) and collagen (which fights against skin sagging by restoring skin tonicity).
Indications: when have a Vampire Lift?
Across the globe, the rejuvenating action of PRP injection is directed at preventing the visible effects of skin aging:
- Your skin is plumped up and hydrated;
- Your skin will get brighter and dark circles will fade;
- The wrinkles, fine lines and scars are smoothed out.
The PRP facial treatment session
This medical act takes place at the Clinique des Champs Elysées in Dubai, after a medical evaluation
It is conducted on an empty stomach, without pain and without the need to fast.
The first step is a standard blood test to draw your blood (one to two tubes).
Immediately centrifuged to separate the condensed plasma into platelets: it is a physical process without the addition of any substance.
The second stage will be done by the doctor. He uses this sterile blood to inject it into, or around, the region to be treated.
He selects either a classic intradermal injection method (fine needle mounted on a syringe), or a medical mesotherapy multi-needle device, which can take various forms (pen, roller or roller, stamp...), in order to cover a larger area with smaller quantities.
This treatment typically involves two to four medical appointments, spaced 4/6 weeks apart.
The doctor ends each procedure with LED light therapy to further promote local vascularization and metabolism of the stem cells.
PRP injection Vampire Lift results
The results are never immediately noticeable, since thrombocytes induce the transformation of stem cells into young fibroblasts. This production needs to be sufficiently advanced to be able to assess the effects on the dermis.
PRP injection, which is authorized in a restricted medical setting, allows the healing or reduction of acne scarring lesions.
By stimulating fibroblast synthesis, this medically injectable treatment offers an aesthetic "side effects" with firmer, smoother, brighter and younger-looking skin.