Your nose is a key feature of your face. While some noses have become popular, the nose can be a source of insecurity for many people.
Reconstructing the nose with cosmetic surgery is a popular procedure today and can offer a new lease on life to certain patients.
Today, we would like to highlight the various noses out there that can be treated with plastic surgery. We will also provide a selection of potential procedures available to help you achieve a shapely, beautiful nose.
Which kind of nose might need surgery?
Too long, too round, too wide... So, you don’t like your nose and it is a source of hang-ups. Nowadays, there are practical solutions out there that will transform your nose and feel at ease again.
What kind of shape is your nose? There are several different styles of noses, and the good news is that they can all be treated with cosmetic surgery.
There are 7 major nose types.
- The straight nose: the thin, straight nose is what most patients aspire to.
- Flat nose: short and flat, especially at the bottom (nostrils).
- Hooked hose: the nose is curved with a bump on the bridge.
- Drooping nose: the nose droops towards the bottom of the face, giving the impression that it is dropping.
- Pug nose: the nose is short and flat in shape.
- Aquiline nose: this nose, which is typically thin, is reminiscent of the beak of an eagle. It's shaped much like a convex curve. The tip of the nose points to the bottom of the face.
- Snub nose: the tip of the nose is tilted upwards.
It is now possible to rebuild your nose as part of a cosmetic procedure.
Nasal reconstruction: what are the sources of the shape of your nose?
Many people want to have surgery because they want to improve the appearance of their nose.
The nose morphology is absolutely natural. Its form originates from the genetics of the patient.
But your nose is a very vulnerable part of your face. Composed mostly of cartilage, muscle tissue and skin, it can be reshaped as a result of an accident or removed as a result of a tumor.
Whatever the shape of your nose, whether natural or the consequence of an accident, cosmetic surgery provides practical ways to reshape your nose.
Nasal reconstruction: surgery or injection?
Cosmetic surgery is the most well-known way to get rid of the anxieties and feel comfortable again. There are various methods that are tailored to your needs, depending on the results you want.
The most popular surgical procedure is rhinoplasty. It's about changing your nose's aesthetics. The goal is to give you the most natural result possible in order to fulfill your desires as far as possible. There are two distinct forms of rhinoplasty. The first, cosmetic rhinoplasty, corrects defects in the nose structure and the second, corrects deformities caused by an injury or an esthetic trauma. This is referred to as restorative rhinoplasty.
However, less invasive, less radical procedures are available. Medical rhinoplasty includes the injection of hyaluronic acid or other plumping agents (hyaluronic acid, Radiesse® or Ellansé®) into your nose to help you reshape your nose.