As soon as you start gaining fat on the arms, the figure becomes heavier and loses its dynamism and youthfulness. These fatty folds on the arms are indeed unsightly, and they are sometimes also a source of hang-ups, making you hesitate to put on short sleeves, either at home or outdoors on sunny days. You can make all the good resolutions you want, slimming down your arms is practically impossible. Aesthetic medicine remains the simplest method to lose fat from the arms effortlessly, to slim down your contours and regain a more harmonious upper figure. Cryolipolysis by Coolsculpting almost guarantees the removal of between one third and one quarter of excess arm fat in a single session. Find out how.
The principle: where does excess arm fat come from?
Approved and recognized in the USA and Europe, cryolipolysis is a method for rapidly losing weight, thanks to a significant and prolonged cold. It is a scientific method, approved by dozens of medical studies that is applied to the upper body to slim down arms. The fat on the arms develops mainly with age.
Its development is linked to hereditary, nutritional and lifestyle factors. Weight gain only happens with the increase of the volume of fat cells and their fatty acid vacuoles. This excess of fat increases the weight of the tissues and accentuates skin slackening, which is already encouraged by skin aging with the loss of collagen fibers.
As it loses its tone, the skin can end up dangling, with bat-like arms. On pronounced fat excess, then the only solution is often the arm lift, in order to resect the excess skin.
In other cases, cryolipolysis can be used to slim down arms without surgery. This destruction of fat by the cold has three characteristics. The cold acts instantly on the fat cells or adipocytes: it crystallizes the fat in less than 30 minutes, which damages the cell membrane. Since the adipocyte is not able to repair its membrane, it triggers its programmed cell death, called apoptosis.
This destruction is permanent, because an adipocyte does not have the ability to regenerate itself. Indeed, their distribution and quantity are determined from the end of puberty, between the ages of 15 and 20.
The visible result of fat melting is delayed by two to three months: this is the time needed for the fat cell to be absorbed by the macrophages, with its fatty acids. The elimination of these lipids is then carried out by lymphatic route, without entering the bloodstream: your cholesterol level will thus not be modified.
Cryolipolysis is therefore a great solution for slimming down the arms quickly, without surgery, and is sometimes offered as an alternative to brachial liposuction.
Indications: the solution for losing arms fat quickly
A single session of the Coolsculpting® Cryolipolysis device removes 25-30% of fat tissue over time, without surgery or anesthesia. It is a simple solution for slimming arms in both women and men. It is a way to regain a more harmonious, youthful silhouette, without hang-ups in one's personal or professional life. However, brachial cryolipolysis is not suitable:
- If the slackening of the skin is pronounced, because the folds or baleen plates will not be able to retract.
- If the subject is severely overweight or obese.
- If the patient suffers from allergies or intolerance to cold, such as a cold urticaria or cold agglutinin disease.
The course of a cryolipolysis session for the arms
Losing fat from the arms without surgery requires a session of about 30 to 60 minutes, without anesthesia or hospitalization, in a medical room at the Clinique des Champs-Elysées in Dubai.
The cold anesthetizes the arm from the very first minutes.
The Coolsculpting® medical device remains to this day the most efficient, the safest and the fastest equipment. Its applicator is designed for the arm, with a vacuum suction system to properly treat fatty tissue. Various sensors monitor the skin temperature in real time for optimal safety.
At the end of the procedure, your esthetic doctor gently massages your arms to break up the fat deposits and apply an emollient treatment.
The results: reshaping the upper silhouette
No effect is visible on the arm at the end of the session, apart from redness.
Slimming begins after about 4 weeks, with an optimal effect in 2 to 3 months.
The arm is thinner, more slender, less fat, less adipose, thus lightening the entire upper part of the figure: it usually takes 2 to 3 sessions, 2 months apart, for an optimal result. This thinning of the arm is permanent, on condition that a correct lifestyle is maintained.