Hair on the buttocks of men and women can have several complexities. Due to their position, it may be difficult to shave or wax them, so many people do not hesitate to use laser hair removal to get rid of their hair in the inter-gluteal groove. Let's review this intervention.
Buttocks hair removal
The aim of hair removal from the buttocks is to gradually remove the hair from the inter-gluteal fold and the buttocks. On this part of the body, the hairs can be dense and very noticeable in some or thin and not colored in others.
Similarly, in men, the hair on the buttocks is much more developed than in women. However, when hormonal imbalances with hyperandrogenism are noted, excessive hair growth in the posterior region can be seen in women.
The hairiness on the buttocks has a variety of origins:
- Heredity: Mediterranean populations have more developed hair on their buttocks.
- During hormonal upheaval, such as during pregnancy, in case of interruption of birth control or even during menopause.
- In the case of hair pathologies such as hirsutism or hypertrichosis.
Buttocks hair removal: session
It takes between 4 and 6 sessions of hair removal in women and 6 and 8 sessions in men for the hair removal of the buttocks. The number of sessions depends on your hairiness, but also on the extent of the region to be handled.
Each session lasts around 30 and 40 minutes, depending on your hair.
Before the treatment, a first consultation with the doctor is necessary to allow him to detect any contra-indications and to examine the skin and pilosity of the patient. It is on that occasion that the number of sessions is decided, but also the intensity of the laser.
On the day of the procedure, the practitioner re-assesses the patient's skin and pilosity and confirms that the hair removal area has been properly shaved. Due to the difficulty of shaving the gluteal section, the doctor will have to do it on his own.
The doctor then proceeds to set up the device. He gives the patient protective glasses, before conducting a laser test on a small part of your body. Finally, the area will be scanned using a handpiece. A few seconds is enough to eliminate about ten hairs.
After the session, a moisturizer is applied to the treated area to minimize redness and itching.
Buttocks hair removal: the results
As the sessions progress, the growth is increasingly slower and the hair is thinner. As a result, nearly 90% of the hair does not grow back at the end of treatment. However, annual maintenance sessions are required to retain the advantages of laser hair removal.
Buttocks hair removal: prices
The price varies depending on the area and the amount of time required for the service.
In most cases, the removal of the buttocks produces a long-lasting and very satisfying result.
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1 session
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Buttocks |
AED 735