Flat buttocks can be considered a source of insecurity for both men and women and a genuine cosmetic imperfection. So you’ve tried everything, sport, a new diet and all kinds of miracle cures but nothing works. You've still got flat buttocks.
So, to remedy that, why not try medical treatment or cosmetic surgery? They've been proven to work and allow you to have more curvaceous and rounded buttocks.
Flat buttocks, what are they?
The buttocks are composed of a layer of fat and different muscles:
- Gluteus maximus, the most important muscle;
- Gluteus medius;
- Gluteus minimus;
Flat buttocks are buttocks with neither fat nor muscle. Flat buttocks can be the source of a lot of insecurity, whether aesthetic or psychological. New beauty standards emphasize and advocate increasingly curved buttocks, so it is not unusual for some people to be unsatisfied with the shape of their posterior.
However, flat buttocks can also cause back pain. Indeed, a lack of good gluteal support can lead to lumbar and spinal pain.
In some instances, when the buttocks are too flat, it is recommended that you take part in a few sports sessions. They're going to strengthen the buttocks, but this isn't always enough. In fact, in order for the buttocks to be more curvaceous, they must also have more fat. That's why some women complain about the lack of fat in their buttocks.
Flat buttocks: what are the causes?
In the majority of cases, flat buttocks are genetic. Indeed, some women appear to store fat in their buttocks when others deplore their lack of fat.
In some cases, it is due to a lack of muscle development, so that when a person does little or no physical activity, they can also have flat buttocks. The build-up of fat in the buttocks, notably cellulite, contributes to a lack of firmness and gives them a flat appearance.
Furthermore, when a person has suffered a dramatic weight loss, it is not unusual to see the buttocks flatten and lack of firmness. It is required to rebuild the buttocks and to give them tone and firmness.
Flat buttocks: how to remedy the situation
Taking a sport can sometimes be enough to help you get more rounded buttocks. In most instances, however, this is not always enough. In that case, the use of medicines or cosmetic surgery is needed.
It is possible to position gluteal implants in order to make flat buttocks more rounded or to model the curve of the buttocks at the hollow level below the hip. But also to perform hyaluronic acid injections or even fat injections in the buttocks (lipofilling).