Want to lose weight around the hips and get a more defined silhouette? Liposuction is the ideal solution to permanently eliminate fat deposits on the hips.
Hip liposuction technique
Despite a significant weight loss, the practice of regular physical activity and an irreproachable lifestyle, the silhouette can contain many aesthetic inconveniences. The volume is deformed, the skin loses tone and unwanted fat persists in certain parts of the body.
Hips and love handles are one of those parts of the body where fat deposits are the most difficult to eliminate. It is for this reason that many women but also men get hip liposuction tostrengthen their silhouette significantly and regain self-confidence.
Liposuction is to suck the fat in the hips in the least painful way possible. Find out how this liposuction procedure is performed.
If the amount of fat to be eliminated is small, soft liposuction is the most comfortable method for the patient.
How does hip liposuction work?
Before performing liposuction on the hips, the surgeon analyzes the patient's hips and the quality of his skin. This is to identify fat deposits around the hips including lateral abdominal fat that will be sucked out.
During the procedure:
- The surgeon marks the fatty areas on the hips with a surgical marker
- To better extract fat deposits, we inject a solution to liquefy fat.
- The surgeon will make very fine incisions in the natural folds of the waist. He then introduces very thin cannulas with rounded ends perforated at its ends.
- The suction system connected to the cannulas allows to suck the fat contained in the hips by back and forth movements.
- The incisions are then closed with a resorbable wire and covered with a bandage. The patient will then have to wear a compression bandage to limit edema and bruising following liposuction.
Liposuction of the hips: Anesthesia, duration, hospitalization
General anesthesia is administered when liposuction of the hips is performed. Local anesthesia will be preferred when liposuction focuses on small fat deposits located at the hips. The procedure is performed in less than two hours. The duration of hospitalization varies according to the type of anesthesia administered but does not last more than one night.
Results: Find a fine and well defined figure
The result of liposuction is definitive after three to six months when the skin has adapted to the new volume of the hips. The skin at the waist is thick and retracts easily after the procedure.
The love handles are gone, the hips are defined and the waist is thinner. The patient can wear narrower clothes (it is not uncommon to gain up to two sizes) or put on "low waist" jeans without having excess skin.
Associated services
Price of hip liposuction
There is no single pricing for liposuction of the hips. The price will depend on the amount of fat to be extracted and the quality of the skin.
Local / general anesthesia
Ambulatory stay
The cost of liposuction will also include:
Label colonne description
Other fees
Label colonne tarifs
Consultation with the surgeon |
Consultation with the anesthesiologist |
Compression bandage |
* Price as an indication, the fees may vary from one practitioner to another.
Book an Appointment for Liposuction of the Hips
A consultation is required for new clients.