Arm lift surgery (or brachioplasty) removes excess skin on the inner part of the arms. This arm lift surgery enables to firm up and tone the entire upper arm.
Brachioplasty Indications
Brachioplasty strengthens the sagging skin on the inner part of the arms. This area is especially fragile, particularly for women. After the age of forty, the skin appears to sag and wrinkle. This sagging increases after a substantial weight loss. In extreme situations, in addition to the apparent unsightly appearance, this distension of the skin causes difficulties in dressing, walking, etc.
Quite often, the main reason for lifting your arms is to be able to bare your arms without any hang-ups. It is also in the best interest of the person contemplating brachioplasty to have it when the skin is slightly slackened, so that any scarring is as discreet as possible and the aesthetic gain is guaranteed.
On the other hand, people who want to remedy a substantial excess of skin should be mindful that there will be a noticeable scar on the entire length of the arm to the elbow, even though it will be a very fine line.
How the procedure works
Arm lift surgery is done under general anaesthetic, with one overnight stay in the hospital and a duration of almost two hours.
The procedure is carried out in several steps.:
Fat suction
All the extra fat around the circumference of your arm is sucked out. Only the excess skin that did not retract after the liposuction of the arms is extracted.
Ablation of excess skin
There are three methods of incision depending on the degree of skin sagging.
- Moderate excess skin: there will be a horizontal scar concealed in the fold of the hollow armpit.
- Average skin excess: There will be a T-shaped scar, of only a few centimetres, both horizontally in the fold of the armpit hollow and vertically along the arm.
- Significant skin excess: There will be a vertical scar along the inner surface of the arm which could even, in some instances, stretch beyond the elbow.
At the completion of the procedure, the doctor stitches it up and then puts on a dressing.
Post-operative effects
Pain is negligible following an arm lift. In the first few days, any discomfort is confined to a sense of tightness and an occasional twinge. Any bruising or swelling completely passes after two or three weeks.
The initial dressing is removed after one day and then changed periodically before the stitches are removed on the fifteenth day. In certain cases, the patient can experience a decrease in the sensitivity of the inside of the arms for a few months. Work can be resumed after seven to ten days, and exercise can be resumed after the second month.
Results for arm lift surgery
Results after the arm lift surgery are instantly visible and become permanent after three months. There is a clear improvement in the esthetic aspect. The person will no longer experience this especially uncomfortable sensation that the skin is moving around.
The healing process, on the other hand, will take at least a year before it is completed.
Associated service
Pricing for Arm Lift surgery
General anaesthetic
1 overnight stay
Label colonne description
Label colonne tarifs
Consultation with a surgeon |
Consultation with an anaesthesiologist |
Compression hosiery |
*Fees may vary from one practitioner to another.
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