Dimple surgery is the process of creating small cavities in the cheeks while the person is smiling.
Indications Creating dimples in the cheeks.
Dimples are an anatomical characteristic of the zygomatic muscle, a muscle in the face that connects the cheekbone to the corner of the lips that becomes active, particularly when smiling. When this muscle is shorter than usual and the individual laughs, it reveals a small indentation in the cheek.
In certain cultures, dimples are considered a symbol of fertility and good luck. In England, for instance, dimples are said to be the marks of the fingerprint of God on the cheek of a newborn child.
Aside from superstition, the dimples have an indisputable charm. Some people are fortunate enough to have this particularity as a "genetic" inheritance. For others, there is a method that enables them to be artificially created.
How does the procedure work
The procedure is done on an outpatient basis under local anaesthesia and lasts barely half an hour. There are no scars here.
To create a dimple, the surgeon reaches through the inside of the mouth and shortens the zygomatic muscle on a tiny surface area. There is therefore an adhesion between the skin and the inner lining of the cheeks and a small noticeable indentation is formed when you smile.
The dimples become very pronounced quickly after the operation for a period of about fifteen days. Afterwards, they'll only be visible when the person smiles.
Post-operative effects
The cheeks remain swollen for two to three days. The surgeon can prescribe antibiotics and mouthwashes for a duration of five days to avoid any possibility of infection.
Work can be resumed immediately.
The results
The final result is achieved after one month. It's a very natural look. The dimples are unnoticeable when resting and a small indentation appears when the person smiles or laughs.
Prices for dimple surgery
Local anaesthetic
Same day clinic
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Consultation with a surgeon |
* Fees may vary from one practitioner to another.
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