The Erbium CO2 laser can remove moles, warts and nodules of the skin without leaving a noticeable scar. It allows to treat a large number of very handicapping aesthetic demands in total safety.
Remove moles with the CO2 laser
A mole (or nevus) is a round, dark spot induced by the uncontrolled development of melanocytes. These cells create melanin, which is the pigment responsible for skin coloring and tanning.
The number of moles varies based on heredity but also on the regularity of exposure to the sun. An adult has an average of about thirty, but some people may have more than fifty.
Before recommending treatment, the dermatologist will ensure that moles are not at risk. He examines the nevus with the naked eye and asks the patient about the history of melanoma in his family.
If the nevi are harmless, with no risk of melanoma, it can be removed with a CO2 laser that zaps the moles with no scarring.
Treatment is performed under local anesthesia. Four to five moles are erased per session on the basis of their diameter and size. There is a crust for 8 to 10 days and a slight redness for 2 to 4 weeks. It is recommended to protect the skin from full-screen sunlight for four to six weeks.
One session is most often enough. If the mole is deeply pigmented, we do more regular sessions.
Treating warts with CO2 laser
Wart is a small, very unflattering skin tumor that may develop on the face, hands, fingers, genitals, or underfoot. It is very contagious and caused by a virus.
It is essential to treat wart as soon as it appears, because waiting just aggravates the problem and makes treatment longer and harder.
The intervention is performed under local anesthesia. After the session, the patient has to apply a healing cream and wear a bandage. A crust is formed, which falls after a couple of nights. The skin heals in 15 days and the mucous membranes of the genital areas in 8 to 10 days.
The doctor also prescribes antibiotic ointment to avoid any risk of infection. In case of recurrence, a laser session is repeated to completely annihilate the virus.
The laser can treat all warts safely and without scars.
Removing skin growths with CO2 laser
It is particularly unsightly to have a raised skin protrusion on the face. Once the skin ball appears, it does not disappear naturally.
The nodule is a ball of skin embossed on the face that gives the appearance of a hard body, more or less rounded and well defined on the edges. Its size ranges from a pinhead to a small hazelnut.
The laser can remove the raised skin ball. There remains a simple crust that disappears after a couple of nights. One session is sufficient.
The price of the CO2 laser
Label colonne description
Label colonne tarifs
Moles |
$250 to $500 / session
Warts |
From $250 / session
Skin growths |
$250 / session
Label colonne description
Label colonne tarifs
Consultation with the doctor |